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"On Demand Labor" will be the major labor force on the market!

Jyve has an interesting concept which may or may not represent a significant change in the employment practices. In any event it is well worth considering if you manage a company and must deal with the age old problem of finding good employees or if you are seeking employment and finding it difficult to 'get a foot in the door.'

In short Jyve has taken the Uber gig worker idea one step further using gig workers (people hired on a one off basis for specific assignments through an 'on demand company' that provides those workers) for increasingly complex retail store assignments as the individual workers prove themselves capable of more difficult, and better paying, jobs.

Of course the vast majority of workers prefer permanent jobs to doing gig assignments but Jyve seems to take this into account boasting that their Jyve workers who do well eventually end up with permanent jobs.

The first question to ask yourself is whether you have temporary work assignments that might be better handled by bringing on a temporary worker as opposed to hiring a new full time employee and then trying to figure out what to do with him or her once the temporary work is finished? Or, alternatively, if you have a need for new full time employees but find it difficult to evaluate new workers until they have spent some time on the job at which point it becomes difficult to get rid of them if they prove unsatisfactory.

If you use a service like Jyve to hire a worker for one or more short term assignments you should observe their work closely and keep contact information if they perform well in the event you need a permanent employee in the future. If you need a permanent employee now it might be well worth your while to hire several people on a single assignment basis, perhaps hiring the more promising ones for additional progressively more challenging assignments. Then decide which of those people fit best into your company and are most capable of handling the permanent job.

Of course if you are a recent college graduate having difficulty finding a good opportunity taking such a gig assignment may be a good way to get introduced to a company you would like to work for on a full time basis. In this case be selective in the assignments you accept being sure that they are with a company you would eventually like to work for. And when you get such an assignment be sure to work hard and to let the company know you would eventually like to work for them on a permanent basis.

Here is an article concerning 'on demand labor' that may be useful. To see the article see the following link:

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